- Math Lab
- Science Labs
- English Language Lab
- Mobile Science Lab (MSL)
Math Lab

Math Lab offers Multiple Teaching and Learning Aids comprising of Technology Applications, Videos, Manipulative and Measuring Instruments. It is based on three pillars of learning that is Imagination, Investigation, and Interaction. It enables the students to learn and explore mathematical concepts and verify mathematical facts and theorems using technology tools. It also allows the students to think, discuss among themselves and assimilate concepts. Thus, building interest and confidence in students learning the subject.
Science Labs

There are well-equipped laboratories for the young aspiring scientists to prove their scientific skills. The laboratory equipment are often updated. Labs also give students the opportunity to make real scientific contributions through experimenting and learning. They also provide object lessons about the scientific process, the importance of reporting standards and the value of openness.
English Language Lab
An indispensable tool for the success in the professional arena. English Language Lab enables a teacher to remotely control, monitor, broadcast and assist students directly to practice communication skills. They would be able to enhance their pronunciation, listening, reading, writing and speaking comfortably on their own in a state of the art digital Interactive Language Lab.
Mobile Science Lab (MSL)

It is a pioneering learning solution which integrates Science Lab with classrooms. It offers a technology- enabled learning environment to explore science through computer-aided experimentation, data logger and a plethora of science probes as learning aids. It allows the students to have an enriching experience as it provides graphical manipulations, videos, multiple analysis functions and direct Lab report printing capabilities.